Ian Jones Logo

Fullstack developer focused on React.JS and Clojure.

👋 I'm Ian. I am a web developer from the Pacific North West but currently live in Boise Idaho. I love digital gardening and programming computers. I work primarily in Clojure and JavaScript but love functional programming languages.

Featured Projects

Remix Course

I produced a Remix course with egghead. I paired up with a voice coach to enhance my recording and script writing skills. This course goes over how to set up a SaaS project with authentication, a data store, and a Remix Server.

GraphQL Course

I teamed up with the egghead.io production team to produce this GraphQL course. I take the learner from very little GraphQL knowledge to using mutations and subscriptions to build a real time messaging application.


I’ve worked on egghead for the past 5 years of my career. I’ve helped build out our HATEOAS API using Ruby on Rails to do so. I’ve worked with integrating many different services such as Stripe, Convertkit and Transloadit.


This project was a blast (🤦‍♂️) to work on. I built a state machine to keep track of commerce transaction state integrating with the Stripe API. Read more about my approach to building this component.

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